Understanding the Power of the Influencer

This online short course is aimed at anybody who wants to expand their knowledge of influencers and influencer media. The course will provide a general understanding and in-depth knowledge of the power of the influencer, and the positive and negative impact they can have on society and individuals. 

Course Length

2 hours

Course Level


Learning Method(s)

Online materials & assessment

Course Content

Unit 1: Understanding the Power of the Influencer

  • Section 1: The facts - Understand the meaning of 'influencer' and how someone can be influenced/become an influencer
  • Section 2: The why - Understand why influencer marketing has become such a powerful tool
  • Section 3: Skillscast - An extended interview with an expert in the field
  • Section 4: The how - Understand how to assist individuals and businesses when it comes to influencer media