Functional Skills Qualification in Maths at Level 2 (RQF)
Dive into the exciting world of numbers with our Ofqual-regulated Functional Skills qualifications in maths at level 2.
We’re proud to offer an assessment experience designed to provide reliable evidence of a learner’s achievements when dealing with content relevant to the professional environment. Our Functional Skills also provide a solid foundation for moving into employment or further technical education, while also developing valuable skills for everyday life.

Course Length
55 hours
Course Level
Level 2
Learning Method(s)
Online materials & assessment
Entry requirements for each qualification
There is no strict age requirement for enrolling in Functional Skills assessments. However, it’s important to consider a learner’s maturity level and readiness before registering them for these tests. Conducting formative assessments can help determine the most suitable level for each individual to ensure they are well-prepared.
Learners who complete a Functional Skills Qualification in Maths at Level 1 may progress to:
GCSE Mathematics
- Further study in general or vocational qualifications at a suitable level
- Advancing to Level 2 Maths qualifications
- Those who achieve a Functional Skills Qualification in Maths at Level 2 can progress to:
> GCSE Mathematics
> Higher-level vocational or academic qualifications relevant to their goals
Successfully completing either qualification can also improve job prospects and support career development in various fields.
Guided Learning Hours
Guided Learning Hours (GLH) refer to the total time a learner spends receiving direct instruction, support, or supervision from a tutor, trainer, lecturer, or other educational professional. The allocated GLH for each qualification is 55 hours, as determined by the regulatory body, Ofqual.
Total Qualification Time
Total Qualification Time (TQT) includes both Guided Learning Hours (GLH) and an estimate of the time a learner is expected to spend on independent study, preparation, and assessment activities. These activities take place under the direction of an instructor, tutor, or supervisor but without their direct supervision. The total allocated TQT for each qualification is 60 hours.